Know about HPV, the cause of cervical cancer.
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is the human papillomavirus (Human papillomavirus) that causes many types of diseases. And many people may understand that only women can get this disease. But actually Men can also be infected with the HPV virus. In addition, people. Who have in their body They often do not have any symptoms and may therefore spread the infection to others without realizing it. There are more than 100 strains of this virus. The strains that are most dangerous to the body are strains 16 and 18.
The majority of causes of HPV infection are transmitted through sexual contact. This makes people who have had sex before have an 80-90 percent chance of being infected with this type of HPV at least once in their lives, which may or may not cause the strain that causes cancer. Including violent contact with the genitals. or contact from mother to child during normal birth There is still a chance of being infected with HPV as well.
Men can be infected with although men can’t get cervical cancer. But if you have sex with a woman who already has it may spread the infection to สมัคร ufabet other sexual partners. And the HPV virus can be transmitted through all means of sexual intercourse. Especially oral sex. It may be one of the causes of throat cancer. and anal sex It may also be the cause of genital warts. Penile cancer and anal cancer can also occur.
Prevent and reduce risks
- Get screened for cervical cancer every 3 years and tested for HPV every 5 years.
- If you have gynecological abnormalities You should not be complacent and leave it alone. Should be examined or consulted with a gynecologist.
- Vaccination against cervical cancer To enhance the body’s immunity
At what age is it best to get injections.
- High vaccine efficiency If injected at an age when you have not had sexual intercourse before
- Injected at an age when the body has good immunity. From research it was found that Girls’ bodies develop immunity to this virus between 9 and 15 years of age, with just 2 vaccinations being as effective as 3 injections.
- Women aged 9 – 26 years should get the vaccine, with an emphasis on vaccination between the ages of 11 and 12.
- Boys ages 9 – 26 can get vaccinated against four strains to protect against genital warts and anal cancer. Emphasis is given to injections between the ages of 11 and 12 years.
Advantages of the HPV vaccine
- Highly effective in protecting against thevirus
- Very few side effects There may be pain, swelling, itching, fever, headache, nausea, and vomiting, but these will go away on their own.
- Can be injected together with cervical cancer screening.
- Protects against HPV virus for both females and males.