check for bloating, distension, indigestion, or fatty liver.

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check for bloating, distension, indigestion, or fatty liver.

Fatty liver disease is a silent disease. It is a condition in which the body is unable to use all the fat that is eaten, so it accumulates as fat in the form of triglycerides in the liver cells. If not treated, it can result in cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Condition of fatty liver Those who are often don’t realize it. Because he didn’t show any symptoms. Or if there are symptoms, they are specific enough to indicate the disease. It can be found in all genders and all ages. But it is most common in people aged 40-50 years and above where the performance of the metabolic system begins to decrease.

Risk factors for fatty liver disease

  • Obesity: About 20 percent of people who are obese also have fatty liver disease.
  • Overweight (Body mass index or BMI 25-30)
  • Have diabetes High blood fat
  • Drinking a lot of alcoholic beverages
  • Eat foods that are high in energy, such as flour, sugar, and fat.
  • Side effects from certain drugs, such as cancer chemotherapy. certain antibiotics Drugs in the steroid group Hormonal drugs

Symptoms of fatty liver

  • Tired, weak, no energy
  • Feeling sick in the stomach, bloating, tightness in the stomach.
  • Unusual weight loss decreased appetite
  • squeamish
  • The digestive system is not normal.
  • Drowsiness, decreased ability to make decisions and concentrate.

Prevention guidelines

  • Control your body weight within the appropriate range.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat nutritious foods such as Food that is low in fat, high in fiber and low in energy.
  • If you have diabetes or high blood fat. The disease should be well controlled by taking medicine as prescribed by the doctor, controlling diet, and exercising.
  • Avoid taking medicines or dietary supplements other than those prescribed by your doctor.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • Annual health check

In addition Reduce fat accumulation ยูฟ่าเบท in the liver Ready to restore liver function to efficiency by Liver detox, which provides vitamins, amino acids, vitamin B, C, magnesium, peptides, glutathione, and various nutrients that will help promote liver function to detoxify. very well

This results in better health for the body. Effectively reduces the risk of developing various diseases in the future.